180 Ste-Foy Road
Quebec City, QC G1R 5T6
20 parking spaces are available in the hotel parking lot.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
You will also find paid parking a few minutes' walk away.
247 rue des Franciscains G1R 1H9
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The units are available from 4 p.m.
For any special request or assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
You must leave your room at 11:00 a.m.
Before leaving:
Place used towels in the shower;
Make sure to sign out of the accounts you used on the TV;
Place used dishes on the counter;
Return your key to the key box.
You can collect your key from the key box at the entrance to the building.
Enter the access code that was sent to you.
Confirm with the green arrow (your key will light up GREEN ).
Press the green circle on the touchpad .
Remove your key. (We will be notified of your arrival)
Enter your access code. (The space for your key will light up GREEN )
Insert your key in its space. (We will be notified of your departure.)
* * Note that a $ 50 fee will be charged for the loss of a key * *